The Butler Transit Authority would like to introduce Butler County residents to commuter bus service. The Authority will be holding two Try Transit Free Days for commuter service Routes 3, 4 and 5. These routes leave Butler from the former Kmart, travel via Route 68 to Route 528 with stops at Evans City and the Route 528/I-79 Park n Ride. The bus then expresses to the T-Station via the HOV lanes. On Tuesday, December 4th and Wednesday, December 5th, passengers can ride free while being guided by Authority staff. Staff will be on board to answer passenger questions and, if needed, to ride the FREE light rail T subway from the North Shore to final destinations in downtown Pittsburgh.
In addition to providing information to passengers on the bus service, the Authority would like to enlighten passengers on the ease of use of the Port Authority’s Light Rail T service to get to and from the North Shore to downtown Pittsburgh. The Port Authority has six T-stops in the “free fare zone:” Allegheny, North Side, Gateway, Wood Street, Steel Plaza and First Avenue stations. The trains operate daily between these stops for FREE. Authority staff will help passengers determine which T-stop is closest to their work place destination. As we approach the winter months, passengers have the option of staying drier and warmer longer by utilizing the bus and free light rail T system.
Passengers taking advantage of this Try Transit Free day can enjoy their commute to work on board the Authority’s 45-foot coach buses equipped with FREE WIFI, charging ports, and comfy coach seats. The authority offers a real time bus tracking app as well as a mobile ticketing app for ultimate convenience.
Free park n rides are available at Pullman Square in Butler (near the former Kmart), Edco Park in Evans City and Route 528/I-79 park n ride.
Commuting to work on public transit allows a relaxed ride with no worrying about traffic and detours or weather conditions. It not only provides a stress-free commute, it saves passengers money. In a study released by the American Public Transportation Association over the summer, the average annual savings for the Pittsburgh area is $10,053 for a person who switches his or her daily commute from driving to taking public transportation.
With bus fares starting at just $3.87 per trip (based on the purchase of a 31-trip pass), commuting from Butler County to Pittsburgh with the Butler Transit Authority is affordable and convenient.
The Authority asks that passengers wanting to try transit for free on December 4th or 5th register by emailing their name and email address or phone number to info@butlertransit.com. Registration is not required but it is preferred.