The Butler Transit Authority (“BTA”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms or organizations for the provision of its fixed-route and maintenance related services. The term of the proposal shall be for 36 months, beginning on July 1, 2022, with two one-year option periods. Proposals will be received until 3:00 PM on January 28, 2022, at the office of the Butler Transit Authority, 130 Hollywood Drive, Suite 101, Butler, PA 16001. RFP specifications may be requested by e-mail (kstewart@butlertransit.com) or obtained from our website, www.butlertransitauthority.com under news section. The BTA is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals. For any questions related to this Request for Proposals please contact BTA at the above address or by email at kstewart@butlertransit.com.
RFP Fixed Route and Maintenance Related Services 2022
Attachment 7 to RFP
Proposals due 1/28/22 were submitted by MV Transportation and Coach USA.