Please see the how to steps below for a safe, comfortable bus ride.

Utilize our homepage trip planner or routes page to help you identify which Bus Route(s) you will need for your starting point and end destination. Once you have determined the routes you will need, view the schedule’s timetables to choose a time that works for your need. With the exception of the downtown terminal stop which is the starting and end point for all local routes, the times on the schedules are the arrival and departure times. The bus will only stop at a bus stop if someone is waiting at the stop or someone requests to get off at that particular stop.

Wait for your bus at the stop about 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Please note that while we try our best to properly mark bus stops, some bus stops do not have signs.
Some bus stops are serviced by more than one route. As the bus approaches, please check the digital head sign banner on the front of the bus to make sure it is the Route you wish to board.
It is a good idea to waive or make eye contact with the driver indicating you are waiting for the bus.
Please allow riders departing the bus to get off before you get on. Once it seems like everyone who is departing the bus is off, enter the bus through the front doors.
Have your bus pass or exact fare ready to pay upon boarding. Searching through pockets or purses for fares can delay the bus.

After you have boarded the bus, you will be required to pay the fare. You can pay using exact change, a ConnectCard Bus Pass or a transfer slip. If paying cash, you must have exact change for every rider, fares must be deposited into the farebox individually. Please visit our Fares page for more information on the bus fares and passes available.
Once you have paid, look for an open seat and sit down. Be sure to hold on to a pole or handle as the bus begins to move.
The seats in the front of the buses are for seniors and disabled persons to use and we ask that passengers keep these free for those who most need them. All buses provide handicapped access.
Buses can get crowded, please be considerate while riding. Keep the aisles clear by moving your packages and back packs under the seats or against your legs. There is a two-bag limit when riding the local bus routes. Passengers must be able to load and unload packages themselves. Don’t forget your packages also.
There is to be no standing on the seats, no food or drink, no tobacco or evap products. Profanity is prohibited. Please put cell phones on vibrate and keep phone conversations and voice levels down.
Please do not drop trash on the floor or leave it on the seat. Take it with you or drop it in the waste basket provided on the bus.
Babies must be held and strollers folded and placed against your legs to minimize the chance of tripping anyone.